
Morristown, NJ

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Morristown, NJ.

Rectors Note May 16th, 2024

Dear St. Peter’s,

Happy Eastertide! I am looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday at the 10:30 service. I walk with deep gratitude that I am returning to you after incredible medical care. I continue to heal from my surgery, gaining more energy every day. God’s movement in this journey has been an incredibly powerful and humbling experience for me.

Theologian Miroslav Volf reminds us that faith and gratitude are deeply intertwined. To walk with faith is to walk with “empty hands open to God to fill” even when we cannot see our way forward. God’s timing is unpredictable and the waiting has been months before I could return to you. With the gift of new life surrounding me everyday, my gratitude knows no bounds.

Thank you for your love, prayers, care, meals, treats, flowers, and patience during these last three months. I am overjoyed that we will once again walk our journey of faith together in person!

Rev. Anne