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Adult Education at
St. Peter’s


Adult Education

Adult Christian formation at St. Peter’s includes offerings on Sundays and weekday evenings and centers on thematic lecture series and stand-alone talks. Programs cover a variety of topics on Christian life, and speakers have included the clergy of St. Peter’s, retired Bishop John Shelby Spong, Dean Javier Viera of the Theological School at Drew University, and Professor Euan Cameron of Union Theological Seminary, among others. Inquirer classes are offered each program year for members who wish to prepare for confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation in the Episcopal Church. They are open to anyone who wishes to broaden or refresh their familiarity with Christianity, the Anglican tradition, and the Episcopal Church.

Tuesday Women's Bible Study

Women meet on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am via Zoom. The group represents women of all ages and stages of life - all are welcome, and you can join at any time.  

For more information contact the Church Office for more details: 973-538-0555

2025 Bible Study

2025 Bible Study Wants you!
Are you interested in a Bible Study?
We're going to start a new one in the new year!
Please contact Linda Guerci if interested

Men’s Ministry

We’ll be sending out scripture and further information to guide our discussions prior to the meetings. To join the mailing list email Alex Taormina.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Men's Ministry Team
John Stanfill, Joe Brennan, Alex Taormina, Rev. Dr. Bill Allport

Meditation group is back this spring

We will meet on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the chapel, beginning Jan. 28 and running through April 15. (No session March 25.)

All members of St. Peter's and their friends and family are welcome.  Meditation has long been a spiritual practice for Christians, and we will encounter it through the lens of our faith. We will practice simple techniques for quieting the mind and calming the body so that we can find peace and draw nearer to God and to each other. 

Each one-hour session will include gentle chair yoga, guided and silent meditation periods, prayer and readings from Scripture or poetry.

There's no cost, and no prior experience is necessary. The group leader will suggest readings but no homework is required. You don't need to register. Just bring an open mind and an open heart, and wear comfortable clothes

Come to the church's back door (at the breezeway). Be sure to arrive 5-10 minutes early. The door will be locked once we start practicing, so don't be late! For questions or to sign up for the mailing list, contact Joe Brennan, group leader.