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Ministries at
St. Peter’s


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Acolytes assist in worship as torchbearers and crucifers. This ministry is open to people of all ages, from third grade through adults. Training is provided. Contact Bret Sharrets at bret.sharretts@gmail.com.

The Altar Guild assists in preparing the altar before church services and cleaning afterward. Duties include care of linens, candles, vessels, and vestments. Additionally, the Altar Guild orders and arranges altar flowers for church services. Contact Carol Lindskog at calindskog@verizon.net.

The Choir welcomes new members in all voice parts. Membership in a choir is an excellent route to spiritual growth, and they derive great benefit from working as part of a musical team that enhances worship. Contact information: ahammond@stpetersmorristown.net.

Choristers Program provides an opportunity for boys and girls aged 8 to 14 to receive free vocal training alongside learning the theory and history of music. The program also teaches valuable life skills working as part of a team or in a leadership capacity. Contact the Director of Music, Dr. Anthony Hammond, at ahammond@stpetersmorristown.net.

The Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People during Sunday Services. The prayers are included in the liturgy leaflet. Contact Bret Sharretts at bret.sharretts@gmail.com.

Morning Prayer: Leaders are trained to lead the Morning Prayer liturgy offered weekdays on Zoom at 7:30 am during the academic year. For more information, contact Wendy Drake-Schneider at wdrake@stpetersmorristown.net


Adult Forums’ mission is to inform, educate, and inspire by providing focused program presentations of the interest of the parishioners. If you would like to get involved, contact Frank Pessolano at flpessolano@aol.com.

Family Social meets on Sundays after the 9:15 Worship Together service. There are activities for children, and it allows for time for the families to get to know one another. For more information, contact Vanessa Giordano at vanoushgiordano@gmail.com.

Racial Healing Group provides opportunities for the congregation and the community to learn about the perseverance, patience, and fortitude of early Episcopal leaders, as well as understand New Jersey’s role in history. For more information, contact Newly Preziosi at newillwest@aol.com.

Youth Group is a faith, social, and community service-based group for middle and high school-aged members. Please contact Kathleen Carozza at KathleenCarozza@gmail.com.

Youth Formation: Faith Formation for our teens. Please contact Kathleen Carozza at KathleenCarozza@gmail.com.

St. Peter’s KiDs welcomes children aged 5-10 to Church School, where learning the foundational stories of our faith with The Godly Play curriculum combined with fellowship creates a joy-filled atmosphere for all. Please contact Katherine Bickerton at kbickerton95@gmail.com.

Spong Lecture Series is our annual lecture series that brings engaging speakers to campus to address topics including spirituality, faith, theory, and scripture. Contact the Rev. Anne Thatcher at revthatcher@stpetersmorristown.net.


Office Volunteers are welcome. The office staff welcomes regular and occasional volunteers to answer phones and assist with clerical work. Contact Wendy at wdrake@stpetersmorristown.net.

Buildings And Grounds is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the church campus. Contact Bob Rosener at rosener1@aol.com.

Gardening under God is a dedicated crew that helps maintain the gardens and grounds of the St. Peter’s campus. Contact Lucille Knapnik at lknapnik47@optonline.net for more information.

Pastoral Care keeps in touch with our church family via phone calls, emails, texts, and regular mail, as well as in-person visits, especially during times of transition. Contact Kay Failla at kaynf@aol.com, or Carol Franklin at carol.franklin2@verizon.net, or Newly Preziosi at newillwest@aol.com.

Space Rental is coordinated by our Interim Parish Administrator, Wendy Drake-Schneider. To schedule a class or event, or to rent the space, contact Wendy at wdrake@stpetersmorristown.net

Stewardship teaches generous giving and funds our mission through our Annual Campaign and Planned Giving. Contact Yvette White at ywhite@stpetersmorristown.net.

By-Laws Committee is a new committee that updates the parish by-laws. Chair: Paul Hausman.

Finance Committee is a new committee that will work with and advise the rector, wardens, and vestry on parish financial plan. Chair: Susan Rennie.